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Co-Intelligent Activism


Note: These essays explore how to bring the insights of co-intelligence and conscious evolution to all efforts to make the world a better place -- and can be applied not just to activism, but to philanthropy, community organizing, politics, education, and more. This is also true of conscious evolutionary agentry.


From the co-intelligence perspective, activism is viewed as intentional, active citizenship. Activism does not have to be adversarial. Co-intelligent activism normally focuses on increasing the capacity of human communities and societies to co-create themselves in ways that serve and enhance life. It tends to focus more on process, dialogue and system dynamics than on specific social or environmental problems. At a deeper level, any activism that arises out of or feeds wholeness is co-intelligent activism.


A Co-intelligent Social Change Agenda

Thoughts on Co-Intelligent Social Change

The Search for a More Deeply Alive, Effective Activism

Co-Intelligence and Issue Activism

Transformational Politics

Varieties of Transformational Politics

Co-Intelligence and Social Change

Some places where Spirit and Activism meet

Thoughts on transformation, philanthropy and leverage

Can Political Will become Collectively Wise?

Political Life: Moving from Collective Stupidity to Collective Intelligence

Co-intelligence thoughts on Seattle WTO demonstrations

Comments by Tom Atlee on current events


There's more: Co-intelligent activism naturally blends into conscious evolutionary agentry where the focus is on increasing the ability of human systems to make wise choices and take wise actions as they transform themselves. Conscious evolutionary agents seek to use the life energy and situational dynamics they find in and around them -- including problems, possibilities, and crises -- to align the interests of the parts with the well-being of the whole.


See also articles about




Conscious Evolution

Conscious Evolutionary Agentry


Things to do to make a difference with co-intelligence

A flier on Wise Democracy you can use at Demonstrations


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