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RESOURCES: Seeds, Tools & Books -- From the Ashland, Oregon, Y2K List:

Excellent tools, non bybrid seeds, John Jeavon's favorite:
Bountiful Garden (707) 459-6410

Peaceful Valley Farm Supply for the organic gardener:
(530) 272-4769

Best potatoe starts and other heirloom seeds etc.
Roninger's Seed and Potatoe (509) 925-6025

Quality seeds, lots of heirloom seeds:
NIchold Garden Nursey (541) 928-9280

"The Humanure Book - stop buying fertilizer."
If Y2K interrrupts your trip to Eagle for more phosphate, you will learn
a thing or two from this book.

"The Encylopedia of Country LIving, by Carla Emery"
a guide for how people who don't have satelite assisted road service
manage to get by.

"How to Grow More Vegetables Than You Every Thought Possible"
John Jeavons. The definitive work on biointensive gardening

The Sustainable Vegetable Garden - John Jeavons and Carol Cox
The condense version of above, enough to get you started and introduce
you to the beiointensive method.

Not available locally? All available from