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Bulletin and update subscriptions




CII site update alert system. If you would like to be informed when something has been added to the site, please send your email address to with the words "Site Update" in the Subject line. We'll let you know when you should come and check us out again.

CII emailing list bulletins: If you'd like to subscribe to our emailing list, send us your email address with the words "CII Mailing List" in the "Subject" line. Items sent include articles, news and links on co-intelligence, community, sustainability, politics, group process and social transformation, plus occasional event announcements and humor. You will usually receive 2-20 items per month.

We will not sell or give away your email address to anyone else.


Note: Tom Atlee is on sabbatical working on a book on co-intelligence, so CII mailing list traffic may be light for a while. Feel free to subscribe anyway....